Welcome Winter & Happy Holidays!

Enjoy the sounds of the seasons with different birds that may be visiting your feeder stations or yard, like the White-throated Sparrow, Dark-eyed Junco or Yellow-rumped Warber; watch for hawks perched in the trees now that all the leaves have fallen; and relax and be merry cozied up in your favorite spot watching your feathered friends!  Don't forget to give your wild bird visitors and residents quality treats, which will entice more bird species who follow resident birds and flocks around looking for food sources.  Our Insect Suet made with dried mealworms and crickets, and Essential Nuts & Berries Seed Blend with extra sources of fat & protein are perfect for this time of year. 

Birders, we wish you Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas, and Happy Birding through the New Year!